Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Why I Need a Cell Phone

There are numerous reasons to have a cell phone. The car could break down and one may need to call for help. Our oldest daughter, Barbie Doll, may need to be picked up from a party where there is drinking. I may get lost. All of these things have happened in the last three weeks and my husband refused to discuss the possibility of entering this century armed with a cell phone (even though our children have cell phones, for in case of emergency).

The other night we were at Walmart (don't you already know that anything can happen at Walmart!!) Super Center and veered our way through the throngs of traffic competing for the few remaining parking spaces. Upon entering the brightly lit store, which was under construction, we begin to maneuver our way to the bicycles in search of a birthday present for our youngest son Crazy Chester. Suddenly, man-o-mine, grabs my arm and whispers, "Did you see that?" Now, you need to know that my man notices nothing. Hates Walmart. Wants to leave immediately. My curiosity is definately peaked...


"Is there such a thing as lesbian midgets?"

"Only in the Seven Dwarfes wet dreams. Why?"

"Because I just saw some. Well two to be exact."

HALT! I don't slow down at car accidents, I do not stare at people with handicaps, I even have a friend who is a little person and certainly don't track him down to gawk....but I did need to know why man-o-mine thought they were lesbian, and a couple at that.

So, we back tracked, looking up and down aisles, (it was difficult to find them, because they were little, remember?)

And then they appeared.
In Checkout Lane 19.

Man-o-mine had assumed that they were lesbian because they were holding hands. and kissing. with tongue. in the Walmart.

And if I had a cell/camera phone I could post the pics.


Blogger Rave said...

Between you and I, our lives are NEVER boring!

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a little afraid for you and what you're going to get googled for now! I'm laughing!

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my sainted aunt! I have to go to Oklahoma! I just have to! Welcome to the family!

6:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL! If it had been possible to beam my digital camera to you, I would have. Although the mental imagery is .... just is.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've been tagged with a Meme. Go to my site for the details. Welcome to the family.

5:50 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

Welcome to the Bad Example Family. Nothing like lesbian little people ever happens at my Wally World.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Hippie said...

They were about 20, long blonde hair and height and weight proportionate...my husband said they were pretty hot...a personal ad in the making. I wish you didn't have to take my word for it...if only I had a cell phone with the camera...

10:27 PM  

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